Mera Bharat Swarnim Bharat Bus yatra took a halt at Adarsh Vidya Bhawan Public School, I.P. extension , Patparganj on 13th September 2019. The aim of the campaign was to imbibe the positivity ,moral values among the youth through seminars , workshops, mobile exhibitions.
With the present need of time to create awareness related to cleanliness , positivity , yoga & meditation among youth , a workshop was held titled ‘Mera Bharat Swarnim Bharat’ ( My India , Golden India bus campaign) . volunteers from the “Brahmakumaris organization” and “Youth Wing” took this beautiful initiative to acquaint our students about leading a healthy lifestyle, observe celibacy , inculcating spiritual values and character building through Raj Yoga Meditation.
The volunteers tried to have a profound discussion with our students engaging them in number of activities for concentration building & positive thinking.
The workshop was concluded with the display of exhibition emphasizing on different mudras of yoga to benefit the students in diverse fields and to lead a stress – free & disease – free life.